Monday, March 8, 2010

Ulysses Siren - Above the Ashes

This one's a real unearthed gem, you rarely get much more obscure yet it's some of the most thrashtastic bands I've heard. They're not necessarily fast, but almost each riff is jam packed of razor sharp thrashy notes. Unlike many bands putting this type of frenzied thrash metal, Ulysses Siren actually has very good riffs that make you wish you're in the middle of a pit experiencing them play. Above the Ashes is a compilation of their only two demos from '85 and '87 and you'll realize how much it's shame they never released anything else. More or less similar to Sabbat (UK) and Onslaught.

Real Metal Records 2003

Sunday, March 7, 2010


Atrophy is one of the numerous American thrash band to have come and gone in the 80ies, but unlike most of them which were unmemorable, they kick ass. They were no Anthrax or Slayer but they weren't that far, they still can be recognizable and stand above many thrash acts as they have mastered some really tight and catchy mid-tempo thrash. The riffs are good and will make you want to bang your head as the whole performance is delivered in a very tight, dynamic and satisfying manner with a good number of leads. They unfortunately only released two albums, their second Violent by Nature being a little more mature and having a more complex songwriting than Socialized Hate.

Socialized Hate
Roadracer Records 1988
Reissued in 2006


Violent by Nature
Roadrunner Records 1990
Reissued in 2006

Abigail - Forever Street Metal Bitch

Abigail are one of those crazy metal bands to come from Japan. On this underground raw gem, their second full-length Forever Street Metal Bitch, the trio plays one of the fastest, rawest and filthiest blend of speed/thrash you'll hear. What you'll experience is the authenticity of a couple of good friends who want to thrash the hell out of their equipment playing the old classics of raw metal from the 80ies; Motörhead, Bulldozer or Sodom with slight melodic tendencies at full speed. Fast as drinking metalheads on the highway only getting over some bumps on their 30 minutes ride of debauchery and violence.
Caution: Mixing alcohol and furious heabanging may cause strong bangovers.

Drakkar Productions 2003
Reissued in 2009 by Drakkar Prod.